The bees prove to be a continuous learning experience so far. In the first couple of weeks, they went nuts! They quickly built out their comb and were feverishly raising brood. Over Memorial Day weekend we checked the second super that we'd added a few weeks before. There are a different ways to add a super. You can add it to the top, add it to the bottom, mix the filled frames and new frames, etc. We just stuck the frames on top and decided to see what happened. Well, because of the rain, not much was happening so we mixed the frames, alternating a filled frame with an empty frame in each super.
As a side note, it seems that the MN Hygienic variety are a more active hive than the Carneolans.
We were back up to check on the hives over June 13-14. It seems that with all of the rain and cool weather, the bees were slowed. There were definitely some new filled frames, but not what we had expected. We decided not to add a third super yet.
A few days later, we had read that some new hives were needing additional syrup due to the weather. Paul follows Nature's Nectar, a beekeeper in Stillwater:
Thanks to my dad for adding the feeder pails for us!
We're headed up again over 4th of July weekend and will update you on their progress!