Since last Friday night, the bees have been exploring their new digs at my parents' cabin in Amery, WI. There are plusses and minuses to this new location. Believe it or not, the city is the best place for bees as far as pollen goes. If you live in Minneapolis, look around. The number of flowering trees and plants in our city is immense. The farm fields surrounding the cabin don't have nearly the diversity of nectar that the city offers. On the plus side, there really are no regulations for beekeeping in their area, so we can expand our hives as much as we'd like in the future.
Following their move, we inspected the hives for the first time after their installation. We were a bit worried because we took the unconventional approach and gave them empty frames with no foundation. Sure enough, both hives are thriving. They have already built out a number of frames with beautiful, natural comb. Back to the comments about nectar abundance, the comb had many different colors of nectar backed into the tiny compartments. Much of the nectar they collected in their first week was from the gigantic crab apple tree across the alley, which was their source for red nectar. It was so cool looking! I took pictures on my mom's camera, so I hope to have those soon.
We're heading up again this weekend because all of our hive bodies and equipment should be arriving this week. We'll be able to give the MN Hygienics a proper hive box.
Sad that you had to move them, but I guess it makes sense. Can't wait to see the first pics - is the honey red? If so, cool!